"I'm curious about all this," he remarks, a subtle bounce in his step. The red runner never seems to stop moving, never sheds his air of lightheartedness; were you not aware of his history, you'd never guess it was one that had shaped Reos' current society. He just seems so... unbothered about everything. "We've never seen the Elder like this; he seems rather... haunted, yeah?"
You find yourself nodding in agreement. The great dragon's eyes carried a weight of sorrow as he addressed the crowd, and there were definitely things that he was leaving veiled. You can't quite imagine outright asking him though, so you'll have to settle with hoping the task he's given will provide some answers. "Ready?" |
As you and Merah delve deeper into the caverns, the air becomes thick with dampness, and an ancient, unfamiliar scent fills your nostrils. The darkness is oppressive, swallowing any hint of light you try to conjure. Merah emits a subtle glow, providing a small radius of visibility around him - at least enough to keep the pair of you from tripping. Up ahead, you can see patches of light though-- and you hear water.
The sound of echoing footsteps resonates through the cavern and you both halt, exchanging wary glances. In the shadows you can make out the barest outline of a creature- long bodied with a slender neck. Merah's light reflects off of the being's eyes, and they glow back eerily as it studies you, motionless for a moment. |
"Surface dwellers..." he breathes, awe touching his voice as he studies you. He steps forward, long toes grasping the rocks with ease.
The two of you exchange glances, realizing that this creature isn't a chance encounter but possibly a key to the your task. After a moment, you find your voice. "We're seeking clues, guidance-- anything that can help us understand the recent anomalies on the surface. The Vitalus' Elder, believes there might be a connection... here." He looks around, unconvinced. This seems to snap him out of his shock, and he nods, his features shifting, conveying a mix of contemplation and ancient knowledge. "They told us this day would come. I am called Cailu." |
♦ Winners will be announced at the very end of the event! ♦♦
Below is a list of the items being raffled PER Clan; 1st Place: The Pre-designed Haedian Semi-Custom (No parts needed!) 2nd Place: Tier 2 Haedian Starter Slot of Choice or x3 Premium Lootboxes or x2 Stuck at Home packs of Choice 3rd Place: Tier 1 Haedian Starter Slot of Choice or x2 Premium Lootboxes or x1 Rare Skill Voucher 4th Place: x1 Large Box of Crafts, x2 Elder's Reflection, x2 Twinscuits or x1 Background Voucher or Uncommon Skill Voucher 5th Place: x2 Greed's Tokens, x2 Twinscuits or x1 Common Skill Voucher |
♦ Backgrounds should have at least separate 3 elements in them aside from the ground/sky. Clustered elements of the same type (such as many rocks stacked together) count as 1 element.
-- Correct Elements: Rocks, foliage, water, mountains, clouds, trees, etc -- Incorrect Elements: Sun, moons, grass, ground, sky -- These elements should have some depth and texture to them - meaning they need some (subtle) form of shading at the minimum- flat grey blobs will not be accepted for rocks, flat brown lines will not be accepted for trees, etc. See the example to the right! -- Brushes and textures are allowed, but if these are used as elements they must still follow the depth and texture rules above! |
Official Sizechart !
♦ Art must be your own or collaborated on (three people max may collaborate on a piece).
♦ The Reosean you enter with must be your own or one of the starters! ♦ Reoseans must be present in Vitalus for both artwork and literature, the caves of this event are located beneath Vitalus! ♦ These entries cannot be used simultaneously as a hunt/quest/pt/icq/etc. ♦ Entries should feature Reoseans only. This is a Storyline event, fully taking place in the World of Reos! Other ARPG creatures may only accompany the Reosean if they are anthro/humanoid and will act as normal companions. ♦ Entries should be posted on Deviantart or WoR-Keeper! This counts for both art and literature. If you don't want others to see it, you can submit them and hide them, at which only staff will be able to see it (and therefor judge your entry!) |
♦ For any GRACE PERIOD Entries, to enter, fill out the form below and submit your entry <<Here>>
♦ For any GRACE PERIOD Corrections, fill in the same form and submit your correction <<Here>>
Please include the prompt and your Reosean’s import link in your prompt on Deviantart or Wor-Keeper! |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Forgotten Clan badge, featuring Troall!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Brutes Clan badge, featuring Zarod!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Tranquil Clan badge, featuring Pyrri!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Druids Clan badge, featuring Auris!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Watchers Clan badge, featuring Saikaam!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Depthstriders Clan badge, featuring Ornaax!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Keepers Clan badge, featuring Khaldor!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Order Clan badge, featuring Shira!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |
[Optional] Bringing a welcome gift...
Finished the entire storyline, and received an ending?Good news! That means your Reosean is now eligible for The Caregivers Clan badge, featuring Cailu!
To redeem your badge go >>HERE<< And fill in this form: Import: Clan: Ending Submission: (Put the URL of your final approved submission here! The admin comment on this one should state what ending you received. The ending has no effect on the badge redeem (it just saves us having to check numerous links)) |